! BOOK EARLY ! For stays from 19 May to 21 September with minimum 1 adult and 5 nights of stay Take advantage of the 10% discounted rate for the 'Early Booking' promotion valid for bookings confirmed by March 31st! Excluding the period 10/08 - 24/08.... Read more Take advantage of the 10% discounted rate for the 'Early Booking' promotion valid for bookings confirmed by March 31st!Excluding the period 10/08 - 24/08. close
SPECIAL WEEK JULY For stays from 27 July to 3 August with minimum 1 adult and 6 nights of stay Special weeks from July 27th to August 3rd All Inclusive starting from €71.00 per day per person: Full Board, Drinks with meals (water, wine, beer) and Beach Service (2 sunbeds...... Read more Special weeks from July 27th to August 3rdAll Inclusive starting from €71.00 per day per person: Full Board, Drinks with meals (water, wine, beer) and Beach Service (2 sunbeds and 1 umbrella per room).Valid for stays of at least 6 nights for a limited number of rooms.Bambi Discounts0-2 years free03-9 years -50%10-14 years -30%Family Plan: 2 adults + 2 children up to 14 years = 3 close
Special Week May - June For stays from 19 May to 15 June with minimum 1 adult and 6 nights of stay From 19/05 to 15/6 All Inclusive starting from €53.00 per day per person: Full Board, Drinks at meals (water, wine, beer) and Beach Service (2 sunbeds and 1 umbrella per...... Read more From 19/05 to 15/6All Inclusive starting from €53.00 per day per person: Full Board, Drinks at meals (water, wine, beer) and Beach Service (2 sunbeds and 1 umbrella per room)For stays of at least 6 nights for a limited number of rooms. close
Special Week September For stays from 7 September to 21 September with minimum 1 adult and 5 nights of stay From 07/9 to 21/9 September All Inclusive starting from €57.00 per day per person: Full Board, Drinks with meals (water, wine, beer) and Beach Service (2 sunbeds and 1 umbrella...... Read more From 07/9 to 21/9 September All Inclusive starting from €57.00 per day per person: Full Board, Drinks with meals (water, wine, beer) and Beach Service (2 sunbeds and 1 umbrella per room).For stays of at least 5 nights for a limited number of rooms. close